2 New Blogs + more!


On the first day of Jamaalidays, AJHQ gave to meee,

one little diamond and a backpack in a pear treeee!

On the second day of Jamaalidays, AJHQ gave to meee,

A Jamaaliday Train Mailbox and nothing in a pear treeee!

Today, I just found out that my friend BEANSKOALA made a blog!

To check it out click here! 

And, I also have a new plushie blog that you can see in my profile :)

So, as you all can see, my text has a new colour!!! Yayyyyy!

This is my new profile picture:

Which comes along with a guide of HOW TO MAKE A COOL NEW PROFILE PICTURE!
I will tell you in one moment!


1. Go to your wall.

2. Click on the picture top left.

3. Your animal will be there ready for a picture! 

(For non-members use your den :) )

Thats all!

Vai out!


  1. Hey, I think the Jamaaliday Train Mailbox is a completely new item!!

    *checks AJ wiki*

    Oops. False alarm xD
    But that's ok. It's an impractical yet very cute item!


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This is Mika: l(^-^)l
Mika is in charge of the comment rules.
If you dont follow them, she'll take ALL your cookies!!!

Mika, say hi!
-Hiii! Gimme cookies >:3
Okay, now Mika will tell ya'll the rules:

1. No spamming, like posting "Hi" 1833483296 times.
2. Please keep the comments appropriate! If you dont, I'll have to enable Comment Moderation.
3. If I respond with "<3" it means that I dont know what to reply.

Mika + Vai :)