Taking A Break

 Hey hey, everyone! I know I haven't posted for a really, REALLY long while. That's cause I'm taking a break because of schoolwork and stuff  'till the 18th. I pinky-promise I WILL be back then! I have some pretty big posts planned then, 2 of 'em that day, so the 18th of December, be there! 

Vai out <3


  1. Hey Vai! I'm with ya, they're loading us with homework and tests X(. But it's always a good idea to take a break when you get busy, rather then scrambling to finish a post while doing math homework :)

    Can't wait for your next post!

    ~popcorn :3

  2. Hey Vai!!!
    I totally understand - my teachers had the bright idea to throw tests on me as well. If you ever need to take a break from posting because of schoolwork + stress, that's completely fine. Always do what's best for you :)


    P.S. Don't be like me. I just blew 2 hours on trigonometry homework problems because we hadn't studied the material in class.


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-Hiii! Gimme cookies >:3
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Mika + Vai :)