Earth Week N.1


Hey my bear cubs!  Happy late Earth Day!!

There will be 5 entries – one for Monday, one for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  and Friday!

Today’s topic will be… 

                                             ANIMALS  - A FEW FACTS

So, basically todays topic will be a few lines about an animal we don’t really pay attention to :)

Those animals are…


(Note that all credit of this picture goes to National Geographic KIDS.)

I also got some info about them!!!

As all animals do, young caracal siblings play together. Those tufts of hair you see on the tips of the caracal’s ears enhance their hearing!! Caracal kittens usually remain with their moms until they're about ten months old. I thought it’d be about ten YEARS!! And last but not least: Caracals are very, very speedy sprinters.



SCIENTIFIC NAME: Caracal caracal


DIET: Carnivore


SIZE: Two feet to 3.5 feet long 

Yay! My caps lock problem dissapeared :D Its so great because I was gonna put the opposite of size if you know what I mean and then when I pasted, It stopped working! It was like a caps lock WITHOUT A CAPS LOCK! I tried turning it on and off but it didnt work :c Until I deleted my draft for this and rewrote it!

Vai out!


  1. Wait... we're bear cubs? There was only one suggestion, and it was me with wolf pups-

    Anyway, I've barely heard of carcals! They kinda look like smaller versions of lynx ^-^

    Haha the scientific name tho- lol

    1. Ikr? I'm more of a dog/bear person, but they're so cuteeee!!


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Mika + Vai :)